government, police, collaboration, Nazism, SerbiaAbstract
For many years, the dominant narrative in Yugoslav and Serbian historiography, was simplistic in analysis of the Government of Milan Nedic. In fact, the key role in that direction was played by political orientation of the authors, communist system of government, but also the raw ethnic nationalism that was supported by certain politicians from 1991 until today, which was assisted by some historians. However, from the beginning of the 21.century, among historians, was built a solid core of impartial authors, who have not been watching the work of the Nedic government in "black and white" perspective, but sought to explain the motives and the ways in which he and members of his government approached collaboration with the German occupiers. In accordance with it, in this article, I tried to open up space for other researchers to dive deeper into the problem of importance of documentation of secret police, which were carried out in order to achieve personal or ideological interests. In that sense, this work has shown that members of the government were inclined to such a way of achieving political struggle and dominance. Also, this article submitted to the evidence that individuals were not afraid to give up the most serious charges that could provoke Nazi authorities to put their competitors to the camps. Also, this article showed that the group of politicians gathered around Milan Nedic, despite accusations of members of other groups, finally in 1943, become strong enough to be able to create a compact government under the control of General Milan Nedic.
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