
  • Vladimir M. Cvetković Факултет безбедности Београд
  • Srđan Milašinović Криминалистичко-полицијска академија Београд


security, disaster, vulnerability, risk, dimensions


From the first conducted research in the field of disaster, a lot of attention of researchers, has always attracted question multidimensional nature of risk to people the consequences of such events. All the relevant scientific studies have shown that despite the stagnation trend of events in the world of the consequences of a disaster more seriously, began in the mid-seventies to develop a theory of threat of disaster. Just then, the question of vulnerability is beginning to emerge as the basic premise and ideas for mitigating the effects of unusual and extraordinary events such as disasters. The authors describe the theory of vulnerability to disasters, and thereby pay special attention to the theoretical definition, approaches and dimensions of vulnerability.


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How to Cite

M. Cvetković , V. ., & Milašinović, S. . (2017). THEORY OF VULNERABILITY AND DISASTER RISK REDUCTION. KULTURA POLISA, 14(33), 217–228. Retrieved from



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