Расе, расно питање, друштво, интеграције, култура, политика, наука, Европа, САД, Велика БританијаAbstract
According to the survey conducted by ICM Research in 2014, 70 percent of the US population considers racial issue as the most important in American society. However, analysts name renowned geopolitician, Samuel P. Huntington (deceased in 2008), as the main whistleblower on the racial issue in the United States, who claimed that immigrants will sooner or later impose their own culture, which means that they will take over the political institutions, and that the change in the racial majority will lead to "division of the United States into two peoples, two cultures and two languages."
Not even social sciences, especially those in the United States, have not been left out of these recent trends that call for "epistemological turn", ie. renunciation of established paradigms and introduction of discourse of equality of any genus. In one part of historicalsocial sciences emerged a strong intellectual tendency to reorientalism, which manifests necessity of reaching beyond a landscape of abstract universalism and the "logic of EuroAtlanticistic modernity" in the space of global history and transmodernity. Reorientalism allows more efficient "epistemological analyses" in relation to Euro-Atlanticistic analyses, especially those non-repressive ones.
Confirmation to the above mentioned stance in recent years comes from the scientific movement called "Racial Realism". Namely, the term "racial realism" has been used for the first time, in the modern sense of the word, in the United States at the beginning of the 70s of the past century by the renowned American geneticist and psychologist Arthur Jensen (1923- 2012), who pointed out the biological reality of races which differ physiologically, behaviorally, genetically and phenotypically. Nowadays, this stance is also supported by famous and renowned scientists such as J. Philippe Rushton, Richard Lynn, Chris Brand, Frank Salter, Stanley M. Garn, Richard Goldsby, Thomas Jackson, Gedaliah Braun, William R. Boggs and, of course, Jared Taylor, who can be called as ideologist of racial realism.
This group of scientists, in addition to numerous other indicators such as arguments in defense of their hypotheses uses obvious indicator of anthropological difference – the physical appearance of human. Numerous experiments have demonstrated, not only with adults but also among children, that people perfectly distinguish between their own and other races. Psychologists name this as "other race effect", because the experiments have shown, even among children, that someone's weight or gender can be mistaken for someone else's, or wrongly perceived, but racial affiliation - never. Thereafter anthropologists have concluded: "Our mind is, most likely, organized in the manner which makes our thinking racial. To know that the human world can be divided into racial population is an inevitable part of our thinking "(Seeing Race, Michigan Today. June. 1966.)
Professor Phyllis Katz of the University of Colorado has conducted research with a group of six years old children. When photos of other children were shown to them to pick their best friend, 86 percent of white children chose white children. When photos of adults were given to the same group of children to sort them according to any criteria, the children in 68 percent of the cases opted for the principle of race, instead of only 16 that have opted for the principle of gender. After conducting the experiment, the professor concluded that children never manifest "racial blindness", which adults often expect of them. Over the last decade in the US there has been a multitude of such studies and they have all, without exception, led to the conclusion "that racial identification presents a part of human nature."
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