borough, Rogacica, urbanism, settlement foundationAbstract
After the liberation, Serbian government administration bagan with reconstruction of settlement network. Border area of western Serbia, around Raca monastery, had no focal settlement. In 1839. group of residents of Rogacica wrote to state government requesting their small town to be systematically regulated. The state sent official Jelisej Vukajlovic, who developed urban plan of the settlement in 1839. Same year began the bidding for sale of newly formed plots. Property disputes over the ownership of land planned for new borough led to complete shutdown of interest in purchasing plots and settling. State now decided to suspend activities around foundation of the settlement and to form center of the district a few kilometers to the south, where today is small town Bajina Basta. Failure in founding of settlement did not discourage state administration. Experience and knowledge gained in Rogacica were successfully used in subsequent projects.
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Порекло илустрација
Slika 1. Multisoft, Užice nekad i sad, Užice, 1997.
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