
  • Boro Merdović Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије ПУ Београд


reality programs, subculture, value system, culture


Media culture increasingly takes the time and energy of viewers, but also provides more and more materials for modeling thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, identification and projection of one's own desires and fantasies. The emergence and expansion of reality shows has led to the degradation of the basic moral values of our society, threatening to endanger the entire value system and everything on which healthy society rests. The paper will analyze the effects of such programs on the behavior of the individual as well as the broader social masses. Explaining the characteristics of the participants' personalities, the author of this paper will try to explain and "woo" the wider audience for such shows and to form special patterns of behavior that become dominant and threaten to undermine the basic cultural and moral values of the society. Such patterns of behavior become so widespread that they represent a new form of subculture or popular culture, contrary to the generally accepted system of values.


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How to Cite

Merdović, B. . (2018). SUBCULTURE REALITIES PROGRAM. KULTURA POLISA, 15(4), 33–44. Retrieved from
