Насиље, Срби, логори, окупација, мађарске трупеAbstract
The entry of Hungarian troops in Bačka and Baranja was accompanied by terror against Serbs and their mass killings. On the basis of findings of the Provincial Commission for the Determination of the Crimes of the Occupiers and Their Supporters during the entry of the Hungarian army in the first three or four days were killed 3,500 civilians inBačka and Baranja. People, women and children were taken from their homes and killed on the spot. On April 13, 1941, a small village of Sirig near Srbobran with 1.000 inhabitants was burned to the ground. Unarmed people were gathered on one meadow; about 350 adults were killed by machine guns and the rest of them was taken to concentration camps. Terror over Serbs in Bačka and Baranja reached its culmination in late 1941 and early 1942. On the basis of the orders of the Chief of General Staff of the Hungarian army Ferenc Szombathely with the help of volunteer detachments and gendarmerie, also composed from the members of the Hungarian national minorities, on January 3 and 4 their army blocked the passage on the line from Čurug towards the East all the way up to Tisa, and in the South up to Kovilj, and also on the scope from Danube to Tisa.Mass killing of Serbian civilian population began in this territory. Children, women and elders were murdered in houses and streets, or they were taken to Tisa and murdered with blunt instruments and thrown under the ice often still alive. They were killed with rifles, revolvers and machine guns, live people were slaughtered and live children were thrown under tanks. The raid in Novi Sad which is organised by theJoseph Maria Grossi’s Hungarian fascists lasted from January 21 until January 23, 1942. In that raid 1,300 inhabitants of Novi Sad were killed and this represents culmination of the most serious fascist crimes in this region.For example, 104 men, 47 women and 29 children under the age of 16 were killed in Mošorin. Eight of them were under the age of 5, and seven of them were between 5 and 10 years old. During the exhumation on February 8, 1945, the expert commission found that all deadly injuries were inflicted with axes, picks and clubs. In the period from 4 to 9 January were killed 1,800 people in Čurug. Similarly killings were carried out in Žablje, and then pogrom was extended to other places: Gospođince, Đurđevo, Titel, Mošorin, Stari Bečej. By June 3, 1941, when German military command banned further entry into Serbia, from Bačka were banished more than 35,000 volunteers. And maybe that looks terrible, but in fact they were very lucky. The remaining 13,000 people was faced with the horrors of the Hungarian concentration camps Šarvar, Barč and N
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