Criminal Association in International Criminal Law
Criminal Association, law, international case, factsAbstract
The criminal association was a criminal offense of the Joint Plan and Conspiracy, or a special form of Crime against Peace, which was highlighted as such in the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials. In the recent practice of international criminal courts, this institute is used in a certain way, but its function is often subordinated to political abuses. By labeling certain political regimes as a “criminal association” by the so-called international political elites are provided with a wide margin of maneuver to justify their “humanitarian interventions” which are the consequence of a common criminal goal. From the middle of the 20th century until today, it is possible to identify violations of international law that occurred as a result of the activities of a criminal association, which continues with increased intensity. If the covert activities of real criminal associations continue, the main outcome will not be the achievement of world peace, but hegemony. In order to prevent this tendency, it is necessary to redefine the place of the Criminal Association in international criminal law, to point out the permanent cases of their actions, their subjects and the ways in which these same subjects avoid responsibility.
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