legal entity, place of establishment, factual seat, branchAbstract
Affiliation of a legal entity is a link between a legal entity and a particular state, bearing in mind the specificities of acquiring the legal personality that implies fulfilling certain formal requirements in national law. In the context of private international law, affiliation of a legal entity has the function of a point of attachment and the function of delimitation of foreign and domestic legal entities. As a point of attachment, it refers to the applicable law for the statutory issues of a legal entity, and as a criterion for distinguishing between foreign and domestic legal entities it determines the possibility of enjoying certain rights and privileges for foreign legal entities in the domestic order. The elements that determine the affiliation of a legal entity commonly include place of establishment and place of incorporation, and it is precisely these elements that disclose certain inconsistencies between domestic private international law and related branches of law, which will be discussed more closely in this paper.
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