
  • Boro Merdović Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије ПУ Београд


social pedagogy, behavioral disorder, risk and protective factors, juvenile criminality


The behavioral disorder is distinguished by the repetitive and permanent presence of antisocial, aggressive and challenging behavior, which essentially distinguishes it from socially acceptable behavioral forms characteristic for particular age. Such patterns of behavior, if not identified and in the right way treated, are usually the beginning of the delinquent behavior of the minor. Social pedagogy as a separate scientific discipline, which is first of all focuded on studying the children’s and youth’s behavioral problems, seeks to clarify this relationship and find the way to prevent the development of behavioral disorders in the juvenile's crime and developing a criminal career. This paper will describe certain forms of behavior of children and young people who represent a risk for further structure of criminal behavior as well as the possibilities and the need to prevent such structure by social pedagogical methods and preventive programs.


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