Integrated Marketing Communications in the Function of Bazaars’ Promotion


  • Nedeljko Prdić JKP Tržnica, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Sara Kostić Faculty of Economics, Subotica, Serbia



integrated marketing communications, bazaars, market, consumers


Bazaars are important topic in historical and also modern market approach, as one of the basic marketing channals for sale of agriculture products. Perception of bazaar markets in the future is not real without usage of integrated marketing communications in comuniaction with costumers. IMC enable for bazaars to make an efficient contact with consumers and other public, for the purpise of fullfiling busines aims of bazaars on market. Research results show that the efficiency of bussines is manifested in tactical integrated marketing communications. By experience method and methods of marketing research, we came to conclusion that integrated marketing communications may promote bazaars on the market using sinergy of different instruments. The conclusion is that IMK are much cheaper in comparison to mass comunications and ti is possible to promote bazaars on the market and stress their social role, using IMK.


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How to Cite

Prdić, N., & Kostić, S. (2021). Integrated Marketing Communications in the Function of Bazaars’ Promotion . KULTURA POLISA, 18(45), 363–374.



Review Article

