Raising the Level of Competitiveness in Services by Implementing TQM


  • Đoković Goran
  • Petar Čelik




quality, quality system, quality standards, competitiveness, TQM concept


The modern concept of quality emphasizes the customer as the only authoritative factor for quality assessment, thus success in the market is provided only by those who produce according to customer requirements. The market way of doing business, the openness of the international market and fierce competition, impose the need to apply the modern concept of quality. Quality is not easy to define, but it is an extremely important and complex phenomenon, which is observed in different contexts (e.g. value of products and services, value of life, value system, standards, etc.) and can be described with many attributes. Companies that manage to maintain productivity growth and technological progress are also able to keep pace with competitive advantages in the market. The competitiveness of a nation depends on the ability of its economy to innovate and improve. To be competitive, in today’s business conditions, means to ensure continuous growth and development. By improving quality, the company provides greater differentiation in relation to rivals by providing greater value in the eyes of customers. The goal of a modern company is to improve all aspects of quality related to products or services, as well as activities, processes and organizational structure, by establishing a TQM concept.


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How to Cite

Goran, Đoković, & Čelik, P. (2021). Raising the Level of Competitiveness in Services by Implementing TQM . KULTURA POLISA, 18(45), 347–362. https://doi.org/10.51738/Kpolisa2021.18.2r.5.02



Review Article

