cross-border cooperation, decentralized units, territorial autonomyAbstract
Cross-border cooperation in Europe has great significance and even greater opportunities, especially in a situation where state borders become flexible, and economic and social needs overcome national frameworks. The Constitution of Serbia guarantees the right to cross-border cooperation with the units of local self-government and autonomous provinces. This right represents a component of their autonomy, or selfmanagement. Although the constitutional guarantee is identical, the nature of these units requires different legal precision of the rights to cross-border cooperation. It is subject to certain limitations, in respect of which a number of contentious issues have emerged in the immediate past, which, despite constitutional intervention, have not been resolved today unambiguously. In this regard, it is necessary to refer to the legal framework of this issue, which is determined by the Constitution, laws and the Statute of APV, and in particular the views of the Constitutional Court, which are the framework and guidelines for determining the content and the form of the right to cross-border cooperation.
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