Issues on the Justification of the Amendment of the Criminal Procedural Legislation of the Republic of Serbia From 2011
Criminal Procedure Code 2001, Criminal Procedure Code 2011, Development of Criminal Procedural Legislation, Amendments JustificationAbstract
The issue of the development of criminal procedural law is an extremely broad and complex consideration, one that is difficult to cover in one study. In this paper, the author will deal with the development of criminal procedural legislation of the Republic of Serbia by 2011 in the first part. The current Criminal Procedure Code, with its most recent amendments from 2019, is still based precisely on the mentioned Code. The systematic presentation of the development of criminal procedural legislation in the Republic of Serbia has been burdened with both numerous changes in legislative sources and changes in the broader social context. The issue of state frameworks and the validity of the law, therefore, often requires a review of the broader territorial framework and an understanding of this social dynamic. If one considers the period of formation of the Kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes in 1918, the basic feature of criminal procedural law implied the particular interests of individual states and separate procedural arrangements. Following the above, which is in a way an introductory part, the paper will address the most important changes to the current Criminal Procedure Code in relation to the 2011 Criminal Procedure Code. After the Criminal Procedure Code of 2001 was repealed, the new Criminal Procedure Code of 2011 came into force, which regulates several issues in a whole new way. Finally, special attention will be paid to the inconsistency of the Criminal Procedure Code of 2011 with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia.
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