Drugs, impact, treatment, international communityAbstract
There is no doubt that the drug problem has become rooted in the depths of the international community in the present era and worsened considerably, which has concerned statesmen due to the deterioration it brings in public health, morality and disabling of manpower, so it was felt that it was necessary to develop an anti-drug bill aimed at regulating the usage and trading of narcotics given that Psychotropic Substances materials are characterized by usage as materials essential to the manufacture of numerous drugs and medical products and the types of such materials vary in terms of the degree of their impact on human health. Originally such materials are to be used for the purpose of treatment, However misuse for other than this end leads inevitably to the detriment and degradation of public health, Therefore it was envisioned to draft a law designed to take strict measures to prevent the abuse of psychotropic substances and the attempted illicit trafficking.
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