Savremeni Novi Sad, press, tabloid, media, history of journalism, journalists.Abstract
The authors are analyzing the writing of the weekly tabloid newspaper ‘Savremeni Novi Sad’ including writing about the press and about the journalists, in the interwar period. The research is also focused on the writing about the professional journalist association. The authors were particularly interested in writing about colleagues - journalists, and it was found that editorial wrote very badly about them. The newspaper also had a negative approach when writing about other media, while a very affirmative discourse is present when the editorial board writes about themselves. The research showed that ‘Savremeni Novi Sad’, in accordance with its tabloid characteristics and tendencies, used hate speech, pejorative terms, and discrediting attributes when writing about other journalists, media and the journalist professional association. It was concluded that 'Savremeni Novi Sad' is the classic example for interwar tabloid. This media has been attacking journalists, unfoundedly serving data and accusing others, and writing on the basis of emotions, without valid arguments. 'Savremeni Novi Sad' is important for structuring the view on the interwar press in the area of Vojvodina. By analyzing the writing we have showed that the technological moments in the existence of tabloids are changing, but that the basic structure, the choice of topics and discourse remain the same despite of the time distance.
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