The Role of the Emergency Headquarters of the City of Кraljevo in the Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Predrag Terzić Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade, Serbia



City of Kraljevo, Emergency Situations Headquarters, state of emergency, epidemic, pandemic, COVID-19 virus, Coronavirus


The article deals with a detailed analysis of measures taken in the territory of the city of Kraljevo during the state of emergency in the Republic of Serbia (March 15- May 6, 2020) caused by the epidemic of COVID-19 virus, as well as the achieved results. The greatest success was achieved in the field of prevention, where the City Emergency Headquarters played the crucial role by focusing on the Plan for Prevention and Treatment in Case of Epidemics-Pandemics, adopted at the City Council session held on March 26, 2020. This is the first document concerning prevention and treatment from infection with the COVID-19 virus, which was adopted by a local self-government unit in Serbia. In addition to the basic ones, the activities of the City Headquarters are also researched in two special dimensions: 1) vertical, which concerns the coordination of activities with the competent republic institutions; 2) horizontal, which refers to professional and material assistance to other local self-government units through the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities. The author concludes that several interrelated factors were of crucial importance in the prevention and reduction of the possibility of contracting the COVID-19 virus in the territory of the city of Kraljevo: 1) the document Plan for Prevention and Treatment in Case of Epidemics-Pandemics; as a type of legal basis for the functioning of the City Headquarters for Emergency Situations 2) the work method of the City Headquarters for Emergency Situations, which timely and strategically directed the activities of all entities involved in the prevention of the spread of the virus; 3) coordination of activities of the City Headquarters for Emergency Situations with republic institutions and harmonization of actions with measures of the Government of the Republic of Serbia; 4) consistent and continuous work of the The Emergency Situations City Headquarters on the maximum engagement of the capacities of all city services and republic bodies on the territory of the city of Kraljevo in the function of preventing the spread of COVID-19 virus infection.


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How to Cite

Terzić, P. (2021). The Role of the Emergency Headquarters of the City of Кraljevo in the Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic . KULTURA POLISA, 18(45), 263–276.



Original scientific work

