
  • Joko Dragojlović Правни факултет за привреду и правосуђе Нови Сад
  • Isidora Milošević Висока пословна школа струковних студија Нови Сад


economic crime, criminal law, new criminal offenses, bribery, receipt of bribes, performance of economic activity


Criminal law is a branch of law that has been constantly facing various reforms and changes over the last time period. Although this is a branch of law which should be very rarely changed, because of the sensitivity of the law mather that it regulates, it is not the case in our country. The reasons for the frequent changes are numerous and they are above all in the fact that the crime is a phenomenon that is constantly changing and improving. also the reasons for frequent changes are found in the need for harmonization of our legislation with the law of the European Union, as well as on the ratification of various international treaties. In addition to this, the reason for frequent changes in criminal legislation can be found in the adjustment of criminal legislation to the current state of crime in the country, ie the need to specify and correct certain legal norms, with the aim of their easier and more efficient implementation. In the latest amendments to the Criminal Code, the biggest changes occurred within the head that prescribes criminal offenses against the economy. Consequently, the authors will make a review of economic crime in their work and corruption and analyze two new criminal offenses within this chapter, which relate to giving and receiving bribes in carrying out business activities.


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How to Cite

Dragojlović , J. ., & Milošević, I. . (2018). CRIMINAL OFFENCE OF GIVING AND TAKING BRIBE IN THE ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES. KULTURA POLISA, 15(35), 383–392. Retrieved from



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