
  • Željko Bjelajac Правни факултет за привреду и правосуђе Нови Сад
  • Boro Merdović МУП РС, ПУ Београд Београд


mass media, senesationalism, crime policy, behavior model, media content


The influence of mass media and media content on consumers, children and the youth in particular, is the subject of criminal and sociological research. Young people are more and more adopting those models of behaviour that are dominant and imposed on them through media content, while the impact that families and schools have on their behaviour keeps decreasing. Reporting on crime and certain criminal cases, with all its subjects and bodies, has a significant influence on the reaction of the society, as well as on the criminal behaviour and the implementation of measures for crime repression policy. The way in which criminal content and information presented by the media is accepted and processed by the public affects the view of criminality as a negative social phenomenon. The majority of stereotypes and false beliefs about particular aspects of crime are mostly a consequence of media image, sensationalism and subjective reporting on certain criminal acts. The perception of this content governs the public reaction to crime.


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How to Cite

Bjelajac , Željko ., & Merdović, B. . (2018). SENSATIONALISM IN MEDIA AS A CAUSE OF DESTABILIZATION OF CRIMINAL POLICY. KULTURA POLISA, 15(35), 289–300. Retrieved from



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