power, international relations, actors, military intervencionionism, global security, international lawAbstract
Military interventionism is, quite surely, a phenomenon that marked international relations from the Westphalian Agreement to this day. Since sovereign states have become subjects of international relations, there has been a tendency to have a powerful influence on the weaker and to adapt them to their interests and goals. This their tendency, the mighty states has always justified with some other reasons, which did not imply their immediate interest, but most often the need to take care of the state of regional or global security in this way.
In the paper is presented a synthesis of attitudes and has been made an attempt to evaluate the movement of military interventionism and global security in the future. "Can military interventionism in the future be placed under control and brought into the framework of international law, so that it does not pose a threat to the state of international relations and the state of world peace, or global security?", is the question that was tried to answer through paper.
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