Saint-Savaism, Serbia, identity, state, nation, continuity, discontinuityAbstract
Saint Sava is the founding father and originator of the Serbian national identity. Saint-Savaism represents a paradigm of its continuity throughout centuries, as well as the link that has connected and shaped the state, national, religious, cultural and educational life of Serbs for eight centuries back.
There are numerous historical discontinuities - instabilities that transformed the authentic Serbian-Saint Sava identity. They are opposed by the historical continuities that have been and remained the patrons of preserving the Serbian-Saint Sava identity. Saint-Savaism represents the identity basis that the Serbian “identity code” has been built on and decomposed from throughout its long history.
All through the various historical stages that have shaped the Serbian state and national being, the dividing lines were formed within the Serbian society between those who advocate values characterising the Serbian historical identity and those who fight for values that have emerged from the Serbian historical discontinuities.
Saint-Savaism as a “cornerstone” was dropped from the remembrance and sight of a large part of Serbian people a long time ago. The dissolution of the Serbian state and nation has been going on for centuries. The previous survival and existence of the Serbian nation and Serbian state is a real feat, if seen from the prism of the historical hardships that they have gone through, which have afflicted them on their centuries-old journey.
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