Adolf Hitler’s Attitudes About Religion in the Book “My Struggle” („Mein Kampf“)




Germany, national socialism, Adolf Hitler, religion, politics


The aim of this work is, through the analysis of the book „My struggle”, especially its parts connected with religion and devotion and the most important facts about this complex topic, present to the modern readers Adolf Hitler’s main ideas in the process of decreasement, and even often destroying of a religious factor in the everyday life of average Germans in the period between his entering into politics and the start of WWII and his project of solving the Jewish problem in the areas conquered by the German army. The complexity of this topic is also visible in the fact that there was a conflict in whole social life in Germany after losing WWI. The society in Germany after WWI had been searching for comfort and escape from poverty that happened after 1919, political instability and other destabilizing factors in religion, no matter is it Roman Catholicism, Protestantism or Judaism. For National socialists who were constantly getting more and more power, thanks to mistakes of other political movements, excellent organisation and endurance of its leaders, before all, Adolf Hitler, every kind of devotion that was not agreeing with the ideas of national socialism was declared as a political enemy. From today’s perspective, we can say that Germany between the two World Wars was a very interesting area for researching the relationship between religion and politics, especially if we keep in mind that Hitler in his book defined the relationship between religion and its destroying, in the case when religion does not use to the political goals.


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How to Cite

Prodić, S. (2022). Adolf Hitler’s Attitudes About Religion in the Book “My Struggle” („Mein Kampf“). KULTURA POLISA, 19(1), 166–180.



Review Article

