
  • Aleksandar Filipović Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management Novi Sad


Video games, information society, origins, value, playing instinct, alienation


Video games have passed a long way from a white moving dot on a black screen to modern photorealistic interactive stories. Author tries to find a seed of origin of video games in the depths of human instincts in this paper, by placing the cause and the reason of phenomenon’s creation in pre-human period. Furthermore, the author analyzes axiological aspects of video game offering logical explanations for very surprising commercial and sociological success of video games, sum of their global value and worth for human life. In the conclusion the author posits that in a possible dystopic future we can find ourselves in video game can be a rare oasis of soothing de-alienation negentropy and life as it was before and that made a man of today.


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How to Cite

Filipović, A. . (2019). ETIOLOGY AND AXIOLOGY OF VIDEO GAME . KULTURA POLISA, 16(1), 11–23. Retrieved from
