International Legal Aspects of Mass Surveillance and Implications on Privacy




law, cyber security, privacy, mass surveillance


The development of modern information and communication technologies, in addition to numerous positive aspects, has also brought challenges to human rights, especially the right to privacy. The paper analyzes the relationship between the practice of mass surveillance and the right to privacy. The acute problem of abuse during the practice of mass surveillance at the international level was pointed out. An analysis of the existing legal framework at the international level was performed, as well as the practice of European institutions. Research has shown that international law does not support modern policies and practices of mass surveillance, which are especially used by the great powers. It has been established that states, especially great powers, resort to the argument that national security is endangered or that there is a danger of terrorism, to justify the practice of mass surveillance. Given the lack of universal legal regulations that would protect the right to privacy from abuse based on the practice of mass surveillance, the solution lies in concluding bilateral agreements or adopting non-binding legal norms. The normative method and legal-logical methods of induction and deduction were used in the research.


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How to Cite

S. Domazet , S., & S. Dinić, S. (2022). International Legal Aspects of Mass Surveillance and Implications on Privacy. KULTURA POLISA, 19(1), 79–97.
