Gamification of Learning: Use of Video Game in Education Process


  • Aleksandar M. Filipović Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Željko Đ. Bjelajac Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary, Novi Sad, Serbia



gamification, education, learning, game, video game


The pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Anaxagoras was a proponent of the theory that in all things there are parts of all other things, and that it must be considered that everything was in everything else. In the derived sense, it can be said that, since everything is contained in everything else, then anything can be explained through anything else. In the applied sense, this would mean that the elements of one thing can be applied to any other thing, and the phenomenon of gamification confirms the claim of this ancient philosopher. Widely and directly applicable as rarely any other thing, gamification, that is, the application of elements and principles from video games (or games in general) in non-gaming environments, has become one of the most sought after new technological solutions. Its application is extremely wide – from security services and business, all the way to the focus of this paper, which is the process of learning and education. The aim of this paper is to research the phenomenon of gamification of education, by defining and determining the factors and elements of that process, and then, by analyzing examples of practical application of this phenomenon, give an evaluation of the current situation, with a projection of the further development of this increasingly important phenomenon.


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How to Cite

M. Filipović, A., & Đ. Bjelajac, Željko. (2021). Gamification of Learning: Use of Video Game in Education Process . KULTURA POLISA, 18(45), 103–118.



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