sexual harassment, crime, discrimination, dignityAbstract
Sexual harassment is widely known as a very serious issue of great social significance. According to international legal documents states have an obligation to adequately protect their citizens from sexual harassment, as well as to take action to minimize the consequences of sexual discrimination, as much as possible. However, this is a phenomenon that has not been sufficiently explored, nor precisely defined, which additionally complicates the elaboration of the strategies for its suppression. Bearing in mind the above, after the introductory consideration on the phenomenon of sexual harassment, the author gives a comparative overview of the legal solutions present in different countries, followed by a review of serbian law and its inconsistencies. The aim of the paper is to point out to key problems and concerns related to the criminalization of sexual harassment by applying the analytical-synthetic approach in order to stipulate appropriate recommendations that could contribute to better protection of the rights of citizens in the sphere of sexual freedom and human dignity.
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