
  • Željko Bjelajac Правни факултет Нови Сад
  • Boro Merdović Министарство унутрашњих послова Републике Србије


abuse, neglect, domestic violence, child, victim


Violence against children has been a phenomenon since the emergence of human civilization, which has been always leaving a deep trace and consequences for the psycho-social development of the child. Accordingly to the characteristics of the certain period of development, such as dependence on others, helplessness, vulnerability to external influences, the child can be easily subjected because of its sensitivity to the negative effects of the closest family environment. The consequences of such effects are long-lasting, devastating for the psychosocial activities of the child, and often remain for a lifetime. Child abuse and neglect is a problem that the academic community has paid special attention during the last few decades because a healthy child is the foundation of a healthy society. This paper presents the basic conceptual definitions of different types of child abuse and neglect in the family, the ways of its manifestation, the consequences of such behavior has in children's biopsychosocial development. Also this paper showes empirical knowledge about forms and types of abuse and neglect of children, basic characteristics of the perpetrator and victim of this type of behavior, which is criminalized in criminal legislation.


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How to Cite

Bjelajac , Željko ., & Merdović, B. . (2019). VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN IN FAMILY. KULTURA POLISA, 16(39), 191–202. Retrieved from



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