
  • Božidar S. Filipović Филозофски факултет Београд
  • Dejan D. Petrović Филозофски факултет Београд


evolutionism, biologism, individualism, Spenser, Durkheim, Gumplowicz


The two authors point out certain elements of Durkheim’s and Gumplowicz’s reception of Spenser’s evolutionism. For Durkheim and Gumplowicz, Spenser was an inevitable point of reference for the development of their sociological theories, regardless of all mutual differences. In terms of approach to the relation between individual and society, they didn’t embrace Spencer’s position of (methodological) individualism. The last insight is interesting because of the unique way in which Spenser has integrated individualism and evolutionism in his theory.


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How to Cite

S. Filipović , B. ., & D. Petrović, D. . (2019). A FEW NOTES ON DURKHEIM’S AND GUMPLOVICZ’S VIEW OF SPENSER’S EVOLUTIONISM, BIOLOGISM AND INDIVIDUALISM. KULTURA POLISA, 16(38), 479–490. Retrieved from https://kpolisa.com/index.php/kp/article/view/305



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