
  • Divna Vuksanović Факултет драмских уметности Београд


media, art, life, aesthetic, reality


The subject of the article relates to reflecting a relationship that is established between aesthetic and real in the modern age, with regard to the emerging context of media culture and contemporary art.The starting point of the text are two images that should illustrate today's connections that are established between life, on the one hand, and art and media, on the other. Both representations, which are some kind of symbolic framework for interpreting the mentioned relations, refer to Plato: the first evokes the idea of the necessity of building a home during life (the analysis of the text of the poster about the design of the house), while the other suggests the inability to know the truth and the adequate perception of reality due to numerous media mediation to whom these terms are subjected, reset us to the famous allegory of the cave. In this context, the relation between the aesthetic and the real shows that the domain of aesthetic perception is expanding to the detriment of the traditional understanding of reality either in the metaphysical, socio-economic or critical form of its interpretation. Behind this expansion are, of course, a profit and a neoliberal market economy that is significantly empowered by the media and creative industries; they act in such a way that the contemporary experience of reality and life, and therefore art and media products, become a synthetic one - a mixture of different hybrid forms that make our world and life difficult to understand, as well as their adequate perception and aesthetic experiences achieved through art.


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How to Cite

Vuksanović, D. . (2019). MEDIA – ART – LIFE. KULTURA POLISA, 16(38), 439–448. Retrieved from



Review Article

