empire, imperialism, hegemony, boundaries, geopolitics, relationship between the center and the peripheryAbstract
Modern political science carefully theoreticaly studies the most comprehensive forms of political association - the empires. This interest comes from the contemporary perception of the imperial behavior of some „Great Powers” and the finding of their similarities with the imperial precursors of previous epochs. The Paper begins with the definition of the empires, starting from its historical beginnings in connection with the political power of the Roman magistrates, through their determination as large sovereign political entities whose components are not sovereign, to the form of political control carried out by a political unit above the others of which it is separated and alien to them. In the further course of the Paper the basic typologies of the empires and their most important characteristics are being observed in a comparative historical dynamics. The last part of the Paper deals with the question of how changes in these characteristics affect the emergence, growth, development and decay of imperial structures.
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