
  • Božidar Banović Факултет безбедности Београд
  • Đurica Amanović Криминалистичко-полицијски Универзитет Београд


scientific field, field of research, scientific disciplines, police, police science


Along with respect of international results so far in establishing and developing police sciences as well as our research and educational police practice, our efforts in this paper are aimed to present basic determinants of police sciences, to provide for the possibility of their equal treatment with other sciences and integration of the developed police knowledge in our country so far into the the group of police sciences, and also to implement this knowledge in the education of police and their everyday duties. Argumenting specific qualities of the subject of research of police sciences and their structure within the context of increasingly current debate on the need to constitute police sciences, the paper presents the foundation of police sciences as an autonomous science. Police sciences have their field of research, they cover various fields of research and various scientific disciplines which all study the police-related phenomena. According to the field and manner of study, the police sciences are classified as systematic, special and applied. The given structure of police sciences in Serbia highlights the autonomy of police sciences (related to crime investigation, police management, police administration, police security and special police sciences) through their subject of study, through their structure, as social and educational institutional justification. Future research in this field will represent additional argumentation for establishing of an independent scientific discipline with clearly determined subject of research, specific scientific methods and clear not only practical but also theoretical goals.


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How to Cite

Banović , B. ., & Amanović, Đurica . (2019). CONTRIBUTION TO DEFINING THE STRUCTURE OF POLICE SCIENCES IN SERBIA. KULTURA POLISA, 16(38), 31–44. Retrieved from



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