
  • Boro Merdović Ministry of Interior Republic of Serbia


Child Sexual Abuse, parents, prevention, pedophilia


Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse is essential in every society considering the perimeter and long term consequences that problem causes. Child Sexual Abuse is a multifaceted problem according to its characteristics, dynamics, causes and consequences. Risk factors for this form of child abuse vary in children's developmental stages and environments they are developing, including institutions (preschools, schools, sports clubs) where children have the opportunity to form close relationship with adults outside the home and out of parent’s control. Numerous studies have shown that high level of Child Sexual Abuse happens by person who is very close to the children’s family, so parent’s role in preventive sense is crucial. Based on a literature review, international practice and analysis of relevant prevention programs, which has been used over the world, it is evident that parents have dominant role in the prevention and early detection of Child Sexual Abuse. The content of the prevention programs aimed to parents mainly involves teaching children protective behavior, identifying characteristics of the perpetrators and encouraging parents to report case of Child Sexual Abuse. Previous experience in our country suggests that most of prevention activities are focused on a tertiary prevention carried out by Criminal Justice System after the commission of the offense. The purpose of this paper is to analyze prevention programs in the world which has achieved good results in Child Sexual Abuse prevention, give guidelines for a better problem understanding by parents and relevant social factors as well as the organization and implementation of appropriate prevention programs in our child protection system. This paper explores some of the many advantages and disadvantages associated with primary and secondary prevention, as well as ways and means to overcome some problems.


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Zakon o posebnim merama za sprečavanje vršenja krivičnih dela protiv polne slobode prema maloletnim licima, "Službeni glasnik RS", br. 32/2013




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