security-intelligence, National Security Council, organization, jurisdiction, controlAbstract
The security-intelligence system is an essential segment of each state, essential for the realization of national interests and the preservation of the most important vital values of the society and the state, defined by legal and strategic-doctrinal documents. It depends on a wide range of factors, among which are: the form of political order, the positive legal order, the geopolitical position as well as challenges, risks and threats to the particular state.
This requires permanent reform of the security and intelligence system in terms of scope and direction of work, but also the organizational structure. In this way, can states only counter modern security threats. Starting from that, the subject of this paper is research and critical analysis of the origin, historical development, organization, scope of work and control of the intelligence and security system of the Republic of Croatia.
Since the gaining of the independence and organization of the first services, the security and intelligence system of the Republic of Croatia has undergone radical changes in the transition period, the process of joining the NATO pact and the European Union. Compatible with this, the organization and function of the security and intelligence system of the Republic of Croatia was adapted to: 1. the new security environment and the constitution of political and legal order and 2. the necessary changes in the process of Euro-Atlantic integration.
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Интернет извори:, 28. 04. 2020. године. content/images/stories/dokumenti/sigurnost_obrana/5.pdf, 30. 04. 2020. године., 07. 05. 2020. године., 07. 05. 2020. године., 07. 05. 2020. године., 10. 05. 2020. године., 10. 05. 2020. године., 10. 05. 2020. године.