classical geopolitics, Heartland, geopolitical position of Serbia, Atlanticism, EurasianismAbstract
The modern processes of globalization and the emergence of new, nongovernmental participants on the international stage, have led to a redefinition of the classical geopolitics’ concept. "Hard power", the same in the use of the naked force, now increasingly replaces "soft power", which consists of different forms of spreading influence of large powers, such as economic, cultural, ideological and similar. The objectives of the countries in international politics have changed considerably as well as methods of arrival to the same. What is the geopolitical position of Serbia from the angle of classical geopolitics, in one such amended international environment, is the main subject of our research. Work is divided into two basic units. Within the first part, we will deal with theoretical thinking of classical geopolitics. First, we will try to get acquainted with the notion of geopolitics, and then, we will pay attention to distinguished representatives of classical geopolitical thoughts. We will explain the basic notion of Heartland in geopolitics and to see if Mackinder's theory is applicable to the modern constellation of power among states. The second and most important part of work is dedicated to analyzing Serbia's modern geopolitical position. Thus, through the prism of classical geopolitics, we will approach the review of Serbia's position towards two main contemporary blocks: Atlantic (NATO, US, EU) and Eurasian (Russia, China).
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