crime representation, video games, player perception, criminology, cultural attitudesAbstract
The portrayal of crime in video games has become a focal point of academic and societal debate due to its potential influence on players' perceptions of criminal behavior and morality. This paper critically examines how crime is depicted across different genres of video games, exploring the narrative structures, character development, and interactive mechanics that contribute to these portrayals. Through a mixed-methods approach, combining content analysis of popular crime-centered games with a review of player experiences and reactions, we assess the extent to which video games normalize or challenge criminal activity. Additionally, the study considers the implications of crime representation on both individual psychology and broader cultural attitudes towards law, justice, and morality. The findings highlight the complex and multifaceted role that video games play in shaping societal views on crime, with particular attention to the influence of immersive storytelling and player agency. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on the intersection of digital entertainment, psychology, and criminology, and offers insights into the potential impact of video games on social attitudes and behaviors related to crime.
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