prostitution, causes of prostitution, classification of prostitutes, characteristics of prostitutes, profiling of prostitutes, socioeconomical profile, psychological profileAbstract
There is a significant number of authors who have explored the phenomenology and etiology of prostitution as "the oldest profession," whose roots reach far back through history. It is evident that such an approach lacks coherence. Therefore, this paper includes various aspects of prostitution, focusing on the personal experiences and characteristics of women engaged in this profession. It analyzes different factors, traumas, and behavior patterns that lead women into prostitution, highlighting the repercussions on mental and physical health and the symptomatology of post-traumatic stress disorder. Through a socioeconomic and psychological profile of prostitutes, this paper introduces the concept of criminal profiling as an important tool and protective factor in a proactive approach to prevent young girls and women from entering the delinquent world of prostitution. It examines how profiling can aid in understanding antisocial behaviors and preventive actions starting in adolescence, addressing issues related to this social phenomenon both before its manifestation and, retrospectively, after it has occurred. The methods applied include quantitative and qualitative content analysis, comparative analysis (responses to prostitution), and descriptive and analytical statistics. The aim of this paper is to identify flexible risk factors, as well as protective factors, through the profiling concept, which can be planned in preventive and intervention strategies in pursuit of an effective community response in prostitution prevention policies.
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