


juvenile delinquency, delinquency, antisocial behavior, etiology, profiling


Juvenile delinquency is a specific social phenomenon studied by various scientific disciplines. The goal of every society is to establish order and protect general social values. Juvenile delinquency is a serious behavioral problem manifested through actions that deviate from social and legal norms, and as such, it should be taken seriously in society, given the significance, dangers, and long-term consequences it can cause. The aim of this research is to examine the etiological factors of juvenile delinquency, as well as the scope and phenomenological aspects that can be categorized under this concept. The conceptual confusion present in this field often complicates the creation of adequate and effective prevention programs. Using descriptive research methods, document analysis, comparative methods, as well as quantitative and qualitative analysis, we have distinguished various types of behavior, grading them from asocial behaviors to juvenile delinquency as behaviors that violate legal norms. The research results have shown that juvenile delinquency is a broad term encompassing various behaviors that breach social, moral, customary, and legal norms. We have also demonstrated that youth delinquency is a multicausal phenomenon requiring a multidisciplinary approach for clarification. The conclusion is that juvenile delinquency is a complex phenomenon that demands an integrated and multidisciplinary approach in prevention. Investment in educational programs, family support, and health education, as well as the creation of a positive social environment, can significantly reduce the risk of delinquent behavior and mitigate its consequences. The contribution of this work is to assist professionals from different fields in the early detection of delinquent behavior in youth and the profiling of juvenile offenders, as the most dangerous form of delinquency.


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How to Cite

Merdovic, B., & Jovanović , B. (2024). SCOPE, NATURE AND CAUSES OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY . KULTURA POLISA, 21(3), 95–121.


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