crime, criminal profiling, crime prevention policy, criminal investigation, human securityAbstract
Crime, as a constant accompanying phenomenon in the development of every society, is increasingly becoming more serious in today's world. The rise in violent and severe crimes is contributing to growing insecurity and concern within the international community. Current crime trends, beyond their transnational nature, indicate increasing mobility, inventiveness, sophistication, and a certain level of unscrupulousness. This negative social phenomenon, besides hindering the social, economic, political, and cultural development of the community, represents one of the greatest threats to human security. Therefore, modern crime prevention policies must offer effective responses to the dynamic nature of crime, primarily by setting high standards for the selection of police officers, criminal investigators, judges, and prosecutors, along with mandatory periodic education and evaluation. This process includes understanding and enhancing the concept of criminal profiling, which is an essential component of criminal investigation and is inseparably and functionally linked to crime prevention policies. This alignment reflects the goal of this paper.
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