employee, employer, collective bargaining, collective agreement, social dialogueAbstract
Collective bargaining, often referred to as a “legal bridge” or legal instrument in the hands of participating parties, traces its historical roots back to the 19th century. The significance of collective bargaining is no less than that of a collective agreement. The historical climate for dialogue and bargaining between parties in the employment relationship was changing. This is primarily influenced by the fact that our country went through the Balkan war and later two world wars, which left an impact on labor relations and everything related to that legal institution. As labor relations historically changed and modernized, along with the transformation of labor relations at the end of the 20th century, collective bargaining takes on a new form and significance. It represents, among other things, a "good culture" between workers on the one side and employers on the other. The authors of the paper aim to emphasize the significance of the historical development of collective bargaining, which is, among other things, unique to each country, and therefore, its cultural importance of labor relations has undoubtedly influenced approaching contemporary collective bargaining in a systematic and responsible manner. The following sections of the paper will pay special attention to the current normative state in the field of collective bargaining and some of its specific features.
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