financing of small and medium enterprises, problems, guarantee fund, Republic of SerbiaAbstract
The goal of the paper is to point out specific problems in the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Serbia. It has been shown both through the research of professional literature and through concrete scientific research that SMEs are most often in a problem to sustain themselves for the reason that they are not in a position to find means for work and progress, but also that they are familiar with it either to a small extent or they are not familiar at all. It was established that SMEs note that favorable loans are unavailable to them and that they survive and develop in the largest percentage by the capital of the owners themselves or their relatives and friends. If we take into account the importance that SMEs have in the growth of the national economy, it is necessary for the state to find a way to enable them to develop and grow without hindrance. Guarantee funds are a very important source of financing for SMEs, which act as a guarantee that SMEs will return the loan to the banks. Another segment that represents an obstacle in the trust of the state, banks and other financial institutions in SMEs is the fact that companies are founded and closed for the purpose of money laundering.
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