video game entities, video game mechanics, AI mechanisms in video games, NPCs, neural networksAbstract
In this paper, we study the vital role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the development of video games, with a focus on various aspects of AI application in this industry. In the introduction, we discuss both the development of video games and the role of AI systems in the user experience, defining the progression of AI’s role in video games. In the following section, we investigate how in-game entities and AI collaborate. Here, we analyze basic concepts such as Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) and how AI enhances their intelligence and reactivity in the game. The mechanisms of AI in video games are a crucial point of consideration in the next part of the paper. We explain how various AI techniques are used for decision-making, player tracking, and adapting the game to their actions. Furthermore, we explore the use of AI in video games beyond NPC control, examining examples such as procedurally generated worlds and player experience modeling. This application of AI contributes to a deeper and more dynamic player experience. In the modern application of AI in video games, we delve into advanced uses of machine learning and deep neural networks in game development. Here, we consider how AI is used for game personalization, user data analysis, and enhancing graphics and sound. Finally, we discuss the future of video games and the role of neural networks in their development. We predict the growth of AI in various aspects of games and how it will shape the future player experience. In conclusion, we assert that artificial intelligence has become an indispensable part of video game development, and its impact will inevitably expand in the future, enabling increasingly rich, dynamic, and personalized games for players worldwide.
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