Geopolitics of health, geopolitics, Covid-19, coronavirus, pandemic, new realityAbstract
Geopolitics of health represents a pioneering subdiscipline in the context of geopolitics as a synthetic science that we have defined in order to adequately problematize and analyze the Covid-19 pandemic that the entire world has faced. The research field of health geopolitics refers to the influence of socio-geographical, economic and political factors on endangering people’s health as a public good. Therefore, using the example of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is possible to monitor the aforementioned impacts and further relate them to the consequences that have already been proven. In addition, by adequately analyzing the known facts, it is possible to anticipate future consequences, both of the pandemic itself, and of health, political, economic and other measures prescribed by competent institutions. Therefore, in the first part of the paper, we ask batteries of questions related to the Covid-19 pandemic, so that in the second part of the paper, relying on relevant and available scientific and professional sources, we offer answers to the questions. The aim of the work is to show the scientific problematic, media manipulativeness and health destructiveness of announcements and decisions related to the Covid- 19 pandemic. In our work, we use the method of analysis and synthesis, the method of deduction and the geopolitical method, in order to adequately respond to the research problem, laying the foundation for further research in the context of the geopolitics of health.
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