video games, violence, aggression, stereotypes, culture, behaviorAbstract
Video games have become the most significant phenomenon of popular culture, and one of the most widespread forms of entertainment in society of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This prevalence corresponds with profitability, and the video game industry records the highest revenues in the cultural and entertainment industries. Simultaneously, the level of the scientific study of the phenomenon and its impact remains disproportionately small, while moral panic and the banalized and oversimplified accusation of video games for causing violence and evil in people are the dominant social attitude and reaction. That is why the influence of playing violent video games on the development of aggression and violent behavior in individuals has been thoroughly researched. While some studies indicate that gaming has no effect at all, or even a cathartic effect, others claim that playing violent video games is associated with increased aggression and antisocial behavior. The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of explicit violence in video games on the aggressiveness and violence of players of such games. Using various analytical methods, by exploring stereotypes, cultural factors, and the potential negative effects of playing violent video games, this comprehensive analysis challenges the incorrect preconception that video games inherently encourage real-world violence. While acknowledging certain negative effects like the promotion of a culture of competitive militarism and desensitization to violence in the real world, this paper recommends responsible gaming, parental control and guidance, and positive social influence as crucial factor in shaping moral attitudes and behavior.
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