Digital Violence Against Women: Exposure and Risks
digital violence, gender inequality, sexism, cyber harassment, exposure to violenceAbstract
In nature, and therefore in the human race, violence is one of the basic ways to achieve goals and show superiority. What separates people from animals is the organized social system in which they live and which they develop, one of whose basic functions is to protect every member of society from the evil that is immanent in human nature. The degree of civilization development can be measured both by the degree of protection of everyone from the violence of the stronger and by the degree of distribution of justice for all. Therefore, if we look at modern society, as well as its previous iterations, we can conclude that despite some progress, human civilization has not yet reached a satisfactory level. Technological development has brought many changes, and with all that is good and that has changed the way of life is lived, that development has at the same time acted as a catalyst for a problem that exists almost as long as human civilization, and that is violence against women, which in the digital age has taken on a new form we call digital violence. The aim of this paper is to investigate the determinants, status, prevalence, and forms of digital violence against women, with the basic hypothesis, that gender inequality, which is deeply rooted in human relations throughout history and present in almost every aspect of human life and activity, is a major cause of disparity in gender distribution of victims of digital violence.
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