Abuser Profile: Early Signs for Detection





violence, profiling, bully characteristics, bully detection


Violence is a complex social phenomenon that includes a wide range of manifestations. This phenomenon affects the lives of millions of people around the planet every day and causes damage to their physical and mental health, and its most severe forms often lead to loss of human lives. This paper aimed to point out the importance of profiling bullies in the context of early signs for detection of antisocial behaviour and preventive action in adolescence. It is actually a new way of reacting to make violence visible before it happens and challenge outdated approaches to intervention programs after its manifestation. The following methods were used: quantitative and qualitative content analysis, comparative analysis (reaction to violence) and descriptive and analytical statistics. The content is designed to better understand the impact of chronic exposure to violence, especially of children and women, in the social environment with the overarching goal of identifying flexible risk factors and protective factors that can be planned in prevention and intervention strategies, in pursuit of effective community response.


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How to Cite

Bjelajac, Željko. (2022). Abuser Profile: Early Signs for Detection. KULTURA POLISA, 19(2), 37–54. https://doi.org/10.51738/Kpolisa2022.19.2p.37b


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