Forms and Characteristics of Interpersonal Violence




violence, aggression, interpersonal violence, domestic violence, violence against children


Violence and aggression are terms often used in the literature to denote various forms of human behaviour. They represent destructive patterns of behaviour that harm the individual and society. Scientific understanding and explanation of violence is one of the basic scientific tasks which special attention needs to be paid to. Although violence can be considered a precise term, in reality, it represents a spectrum of heterogeneous forms of behaviour that can be physical and emotional with different reflections on the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator in specific life situations. The aim of this paper is to review the scientific literature to point out different definitions of violence and aggression with a special overview of interpersonal violence and its manifest. Special attention is paid to the division and categorization of violence and the consequences it has on the individual and his micro and macro social environment. One part of the paper is dedicated to domestic violence as a separate sociological, health and criminological problem and its negative implications for women, children and the elderly. The problem of violence within LGBT communities is also one of the topics of this paper, however the lack of proven scientific knowledge, research and data are still big.


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How to Cite

Merdovic, B., & Vujović, R. (2022). Forms and Characteristics of Interpersonal Violence. KULTURA POLISA, 19(2), 55–88.
