
  • Darko Marinković Криминалистичко-полицијска академија Београд


illegal markets, organized crime, drug trafficking, human trafficking, smuggling of people, illegal trade in weapons, smuggling of tobacco products


Illegal market, similar to the legal one, is a place where or a field within which the exchange, production, sale and consumption of both goods and services are conducted the only difference being that these are either forbidden or strictly regulated goods or services. Criminal organizations act in the similar way as legal subjects in the state legitimate markets – they both strive towards profit acquisition through sale of goods and services using the profit gained in order to pay people working for them. For a number of years organized crime has rendered gambling services and prostitution at the illegal markets, while during the period of the Prohibition in the USA the focus was on providing the market with forbidden alcoholic beverages. It can be said today that organized crime covers predominantly the criminal markets of drugs, weapons, sexual services, human body parts, tobacco products, and similar. Liberalization of markets all around the world, particularly at the territory of the European Union, has lead to weaker control of transport of people and goods,, as well as to the greater range of possibilities for various forms of smuggling through which the illegal markets are supplied. The paper defines the notion and the main characteristics of illegal markets, as well as their most important forms – illegal drug trafficking, human trafficking and smuggling, illegal trafficking of weapons and smuggling and illegal sale of tobacco products.


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How to Cite

Marinković, D. . (2012). ORGANIZED CRIME AND ILLEGAL MARKETS. KULTURA POLISA, 9(2), 559–583. Retrieved from
