
  • Slaviša Đukanović Министарство унутрашњих послова РС Управа за аналитику
  • Branislav Milosavljević Министарство одбране РС Институт за стратегијска истраживања


security assessments, intelligence estimates, counterintelligence estimates


Although there are various methodologies of security assessment, their common feature is foundation on the basis of data collected on the object of assessment. Quality of a security assessment depends (among other factors) of the quantity and quality of the collected information. The lack of a unified and generally accepted safety assessment methodology does not mean that the various security assessments have common denominators. The essential difference lies in theoretic approach or the security concept, which depends on the subject of security. However, despite the different methodologies and structures making security assessments, we can identify common elements for various security assessments.

Its main value is in minimizing the uncertainty. Namely, if the assessment of uncertainty in achieving the targets shows that the uncertainty has been reduced to a minimum, on the same level it would represent a safe element of determining important factors to select the variations of the decision.

The value of the prediction lies in possibility to perceive the necessity and possibility and probability of events that might be expected in the future, on the basis of the results entrenched by the analysis. However, in the prediction, one should not be exclusive. It is advisable to provide more varieties of manifestation of destructive activity.


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How to Cite

Đukanović , S. . ., & Milosavljević, B. . (2012). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SECURITY ASSESSMENT. KULTURA POLISA, 9(2), 513–525. Retrieved from
