police, community policing, human rights, cooperation between police and citizens, police managementAbstract
This paper corresponds to much expressed need of actors who contribute to achievement and development of human rights in our country, for empirical knowledge that describes real condition and problems caused by police work in the field of human rights, especially by community policing concept and its implementation that has just started. Knowledge exposed in this paper gives its contribution through adequate shaping and effectiveness of specific measures and activities for development and/or improvement of human rights, because aforementioned can be based upon results of empirical research and scientific analysis.
Specifically, this paper exposes some segments of the empirical research’s results that reflect efforts and practice of police management in order to build and improve preconditions for respecting human rights and its establishment through mutual activities of police, citizens and local community institutions. Police managers from all organizational units of police have participated in this research. In order to consider attitudes of police managers about efficiency and effectiveness of existing cooperation with citizens, three groups of questions have been used in the survey and they refer to: 1. Importance and law regulations of building and improving partnership between police and citizens, 2. Strengthening people’s confidence in police and respect of human rights by police, 3. Methods for building and improving partnership between police and citizens.
Answers to the first group of questions are directed to importance of building and improving partnership between police and citizens (and other local community institutions) for effective police work, and if its role has or has not adequate legal frame which tells that current practice of police management is not on necessary level. That generates insufficient effectiveness and efficiency of police, specifically, its work results are not sufficient in order to suppress crime and other security risks and to put them in acceptable frames that would build and improve (security) preconditions that are necessary to establish and respect human rights.
The second group of questions is directed to knowledge about partnership between police and citizens, especially strengthening people’s confidence to police, its respect of human rights and displays certain weaknesses and possible solutions for them.
These cognitions are of great importance for evaluation and encouragement of community policing concept and its implementation that implies and contributes building and improving preconditions for human rights establishment.
The third group of questions, that was supposed to show best solutions for building and improving partnership between police and citizens as well as other local community institutions, adequate role of citizens in that partnership, and how the ones who have been surveyed, realise their roles, displays that the realisation and improvement of partnership between police and citizens as well as other local community institutions are being established proportionally to the level of people’s confidence to police and its respect of human rights. At the same time, current level of cooperation between police and citizens as personification of community policing, testifies about police contribution to human rights improvement in Republic of Serbia.
There can be concluded that overall exposed segment of empirical research and its results gives useful knowledge that may improve and perceive police contribution to establishment of the human rights.
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