
  • Srđan Milašinović Криминалистичко-полицијска академија Београд
  • Goran B. Milošević Криминалистичко-полицијска академија Београд
  • Ladin Gostimirović Висока пословно-техничка школа Добој


information, Internet and communication networks, global conflicts, security changes, control


In early 21 century, social crises and conflicts with the global prefix are based in large part on the quality, not the quantity of information, where control of the media and information increasingly constitutes the basis of national security. Strategic transformation lies in the creation of mass views on the current problem, which thanks to modern information technologies enables better reaction of powerful states. Events in the Middle East over the past two years confirm the importance of the global media, their control and interpretation of contemporary crises and conflicts. Hence the twenty-first century brings new challenges, risks and threats at the national and international level in which information systems are of prime importance.


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How to Cite

Milašinović , S. ., Milošević, G. B., & Gostimirović, L. . (2012). MEDIA, CONTEMPORARY CRISES AND TERRORISM. KULTURA POLISA, 9(2), 357–371. Retrieved from


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