
  • Iskra Akimovska-Maletić Faculty of Security – Skopje Republic of Macedonia
  • Aleksandar Ivanovska Faculty of Security – Skopje Republic of Macedonia


disciplinary responsibility, authorized officials of the Ministry of Interior, police, the Republic of Macedonia


States tend to achieve a responsible administration, and in that aspect take numerous measures and activities in order to achieve better quality of administration. In this affection the individual responsibility of officials in the administration is being predicted, and among others the disciplinary responsibility for violation of the working order and discipline is one of the types of administration responsibility.

Certain employees of the Ministry of Interior, as an organ of the state administration, are authorized to use police powers which further determine the specificity of their situation from which arise some specifics for determining disciplinary responsibility from organizational and functional nature.

In the paper despite the theoretical foundations of the disciplinary responsibility of the officials in the administration and in particular of the employees in the Ministry of Interior, the analysis of relevant legislation that regulates this issue will be made as well as the analyses of the proceedings of the Sector for Internal Control and Professional Standards as a responsible organizational unit within the Ministry of Interior, through content analysis of annual work plans and reports in the period 2007 – 2009.


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Annual reports of the Sector for Internal control and professional standards for 2007, 2008 and 2009.




How to Cite

Akimovska-Maletić , I. ., & Ivanovska, A. . (2012). DISCIPLINARY RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EMPLOYEES IN THE MINISTRY OF INTERIOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. KULTURA POLISA, 9(2), 207–222. Retrieved from https://kpolisa.com/index.php/kp/article/view/1380
